Os Informais – Episode 1


After Alteza’s authoritarian party took over, the neighborhoods and informal markets around the city began to be demolished to begin the expansion of the glass city, a megalomaniac urbanization project for the African elites. While Your Highness watches the demolition process from the panoramic window of the Panopticon, Sakina and the other informals are informed that their friend Paíto has been taken with a group of insurgents. When the group arrives at the market, they see the van where Paíto is traveling disappearing down the road in the distance, with a tight escort of security drones. Miopia and Esmalte remain in the market to defend the sellers, while Sakina and Esticão go after Paíto. Your Highness asks that the boy be brought to him to find out if he is with the informals. Paíto is interrogated by Alteza, surrounded by his protection cohort, Connect, Agrafo and Macuacua. Sakina and Esticão start out in the minority, finding themselves endangered by Connect’s deadly matrioska attacks. With the help of Esmalte and Miopia, after fighting, they manage to rescue their friend. Your Highness orders to activate the memory machine.

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Additional information

Weight 0,15 kg
Dimensions 24 × 16 × 1 cm